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Box Tops for Education

Box Tops for Education:

You can purchase participating products at ANY store and still earn cash for Louisa Boren STEM K8 simply by scanning your receipt! It’s easier than ever!

Do you and your kids like Chex? How about Cheerios, Pillsbury, Annie’s, GoGurt, Totino’s or Lysol products?

Visit Box Tops for Education on your smartphone. Download the app, select Louisa Boren STEM when you create an account, and use this referral code to earn a bonus!*

Referral code: BYXR6T5R.

Each time you shop, open the app and snap a picture of your receipt. Box Tops will take care of the rest! Be sure to scan your receipt within 14 days of your shopping.

*Bonus available for a limited time from Box Tops.

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